Somvati amavasya is celebrated in india. Somavati amavasya is also called as hariyali amavasya. Somavati amavasya is came after 20 years. In india there is two concept of moon. First is no-moon day and second is full-moon day. In full moon day the moon display in full size in sky. In no-moon day the moon disapper from the sky. The rotation of the moon on the sky affect the behavior of the person. we can say that the moon influence on the people. In india the no moon day is came after the 20 years. In india somvati amavasya is special day.
No moon day
In india no moon day is called as the amavasya. It is total absense of the moon in the sky. When the absense of the moon in the sky so that day is dark day. In india no-moon day is un-holy thing in india. In india there are arban legends about the no-moon day. It is said that in the night of no-moon day ghosts dances that night. lots of movies is made on the no-moon day.
Full moon day
Full moon day is totaly presense of the moon. In full moon day there is total awareness in the atmosphere. on the full moon day brain activity of persons is hiper sensetive. the full moon days is sapoossed to be good day in india. india have the past experiences of the history. most of the indian sages got enlightment on the full moon day. The Gautama buddha got enlightment on this day. when the gautama buddha got enlightment it was the Vaishakh pornima. He got enlightment on vaishakh pornima and mahaparinirvana on the vaishakh pornima. pornima in india is sacred.
pornima is celebrated all around the india. india is the place of the sages.