"What is Artificial Inteligense "
What is Artificial Inteligense ?
Artificial inteligense is the technolgy used in computer. The computer is used for the communication with the world. The computer connected to computer is actually communicating to the world. Artificial inteligense is computer based technology. The artificial brain is prowided to the computer. The computer Thinks as it own. Artificial inteligense is technology mostley used in computers. the computer have multiple programs which run simultaniusley to computer called as the artificial inteligense. the artificial inteligesne can we dangerous to the humanity when they can thinks as own.
How artificial inteligense works ?
Artificial inteligense works on the programming. The terminstor movie is the example of the artificial inteligense. The indian movie the robot is the examble of artificial inteligense. The artificail inteligense when is prowided to the computer they can thinks as it own.
Artificial inteligense in robot ?
Most in the humanoid robot Artificial inteligense is used. Humanoid robot is capable of thinks it own. The capable of artificial inteligense robot can used in home. The artificial inteligense is most famous and advanced technology. Modern computers are using this technology.
Artificial inteligense used in google ?
The search engine like google use artificial inteligense. Google search engine use Algorithms and artificial inteligense technology.
What is Google algorithm ?
The Google algorithm is the set of codes. Algorithm have the multiple code in it. The programming langauge are used in the algorithm.