Elon Musk is the co-founder of Tesla and boring Company. Elon musk is the self leaned rocket scientist. The Elon Musk is the Founder of Paypal. Elon Musk satarted x.xom. X.com was the Online payment website. Elon musk selled this company and later the name of this company changed to paypal. Elon musk is richest person of world now. The elon musk is the founder of Hyperloop, Open AI, Neuralink, Tesla motorse.
Tesla Motor
Tesla Motor is the electric car company. The name of tesla motor is derived from nikola tesla. nikola tesla was the scientist. Nikola tesla invented the free electricity transfer. Tesla motor company produces the electric cars. The tesla carse are eco-friendly cars.
Open AI
Open AI is the artificial inteligense company. The artificial inteligense is the technology to that we can prowide thinking to the computer. The artificial inteligense are used in robots.
Space x
picture:Space x
Space x is the space agency. Elon musk is the founder and ceo of space x. Space x is the first Private space agency. Space x got the contract from the nasa. Space x Launched Rocket to space.
Elon Musk personal information
Elon musk born as canadian mother and south african father. Elon musk learn from university of pretoria. Elon musk born on jun 28 in 1971. Elon musk attended queens university. Elon musk developed Game at small age and sell it to online company. The blaster was first game developed by elon musk.
ZIP 2 was web based software company. Elon musk started zip 2 in 1995. Angel investers invested money in ZIP 2.
Solar city
Picture:Solar city
Solar city is largest energy provider to the united states. Tesla aquared solar city for 2 bilion. Solar city is the energy prowider company. Elon musk is the briliant person. The one person is handling more company. Elon musk is now the richest person of the world.