Tenet The Movie will Release After Three Yearse Of Delay. Questionspedia: What is zika virus? Symptoms,transmission of zika virus.

Monday, August 2, 2021

What is zika virus? Symptoms,transmission of zika virus.


After Corona virus new virus are born named as zika virus. Zika virus spreads through mosquitoes bite.

History of zika virus

Zika virus is mosquito-borne virus that was first identified in Uganda in 1947. Zika virus first found in monkeys. Zika virus later identified in humans in 1952 in Uganda and republic of Tanzania. 
Zika virus later found in Africa, America, Asia and Pacific.

Sign and symptoms of zika virus

The incubation period of sila virus is 3-14 days. The majority of people infected with zika virus do not develop symptoms. The symptoms of zika virus are generally mild. Fever,rash, conjunctivitis,muscle and joint pain malarise and headache. Zika virus infection during pregnancy is a cause of microcephaly and other congenitial abnormalities in developing feotus and newborn

Complications of zika virus disease

Zika virus infection during pregnancy is a cause of microcephaly and other congenital abnormalities in developing fetus and newborn.

Zika virus infection is also trigger of Thikani Barre syndromes particularly in adults and older children.

Transmission of zika virus

Zika virus is primarily transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito from aedes Genus, mainly aedes aegypti in tropical and subtropical regions. Aedes mosquitoes usually bite during the day, peaking during early mornings and late afternoon. This is same mosquito that transmits dengue, chikun gunya and yellow fever. Zika virus is also transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy, transfusion of blood and blood product.

Diagnosis of zika virus

Infection with zika virus may be suspected based on symptoms of person living in or visiting areas with zika virus transmission on aedes mosquito vectors.

Treatment of zika virus

There is no treatment available for zika virus infection or its associated diseases.