Tenet The Movie will Release After Three Yearse Of Delay. Questionspedia: APJ abdul Kalam

Sunday, July 26, 2020

APJ abdul Kalam

                                                     APJ abdul Kalam


      Apj abdul kalam was the indian Rocket scientist and President of india. The APJ abdul kalam was greatest indian scientist. The full name of APJ abdul kalam was avul pakir jainabdulin kalam. Apj abdul kalam developed Agni, Brahmos, nag This are the misiles developed by the abdul kalam. The apj abdul kalam are the greatest Rocket scientist of the history. The Apj abdul kalam are the missile man of india. 

           Childhood of apj abdul kalam:

 APJ Abdul Kalam was born in Rameshwaram the village in Tamil Nadu. Rameshwaram is the small village in tamil nadu. The father of APJ abdul kalam was the boat keeper. The name of mothers of abdul kalam was ashiyamm0a. The abdul kalam complited his school education from shwarz high school. In 1950 he got addmition in sent joseph hig school. the abdul kalam always syas that "The person who anderstant to otherse are educated person but the pperson who understand herself is wise person. without any advantage your education is wast". The fatherse derise of abj abdul kalam was to become collector. The apj abdul kalam was belonging from poor family. The family of abdul kalams mother sappose to be brave beacuse they got bahadur padavi from the british. 

"we can change our destiny but only we have confidense that we can do it"

Missile Developed by APJ abdul Kalam:

  Brahmos is cruse missile developed by apj abdul kalam. Later apj abdul kalam became the president of india. apj abdul kalam was born in 15 october 1931. his zodiac sign was libra. he died in shilong 2015. The wings of fire is the autobiography of apj abdul kalam. 


1.The wings of fire.
2.India 2020
3.Ignited Minds.
4.Turning Points.
5.Indomitable spirit.
6.You are born to blossam.
7.Inspiring Thoughts.
8.Forge your future.
9.Guiding Souls.
10.Mission india.