Nag panchami is Festival of snake. Nag panchami is Festival of snake celebrated in all around india. On the occasion of the nag panchami in villagers celebrate it with snake. Nag panchami is celebrated in india nepal and rajastahn. In nag panchami The king of snake cobra snake worshipped. The nag panchami in some states of india rajastan and gujarat on half krushn paksha. On the occasion of nag panchami festival milk is offered to snakes. In some region of india milk bath is prowided to snakes. snakes are holy animal in india. The silver, Gold and Copper snake are made on nag panchami. The nag panchimi celebration is discribed in diffrent types of puranas. The garud puran and the nag puran nag panchami festival is discribed. In some region of india the silver snake is worshiped in some region live snake is worshiped. Nag Panchami is holy festival in india.
Nag(snakes found in india)
The King cobra is the king of the snake. The king Cobra is also called as nag in india.
The cobra is the king of all all snakes. The king cobra are found in india region only. The invironment of india is good for the king cobra. The poison of king cobra is very dangerous for the humans. The bite of king cobra can kill the person within few minites. king cobra is very poisons. In india the snake is called as nag.
Photos of King cobra(Nag)